Ask the Expert: Materials Characterization and Failure Analysis using Plasma FIB

During this live Ask the Expert webinar, we will answer pre-submitted questions from our audience regarding materials characterization and failure analysis using Plasma FIB (PFIB).

PFIB extends conventional DualBeam (DB) capabilities to nearly mm scale without the use of Gallium. It differs from traditional FIB as it uses various gases such as Xe, Ar, O or N to generate a focused ion beam with much greater range of beam currents as compared to Ga. With our Plasma FIB capability, larger cuts can be prepared more efficiently, giving us the ability to survey more material to find the root cause of a failure and reducing the time needed for an analysis.

Do you want a deeper understanding of Plasma FIB? Are you new to the industry (or just want a refresher) and want to learn what Plasma FIB can do for you? If so please join us for an intimate Q&A with Eurofins EAG Laboratories technique experts. During this 60-minute session our experts will answer pre-submitted questions from our audience. If time runs out and all questions have not been answered a follow up email will be sent out to all attendees with those answers.

In the meantime, please check out our on-demand Plasma FIB webinar for a general overview of the instrumentation and technique.

We are excited to have Dr. Adam Stokes from Thermo Fisher joining us in our expert panel.

Plasma FIB News

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  • Mike Salmon, Ph.D.
    Scientific Fellow, Eurofins EAG
  • Sarah Wang, M.S.
    Team Leader, Dual Beam, Eurofins EAG
  • Yan Xu, M.S.
    Manager, Dual Beam, Eurofins EAG
  • Adam Stokes, Ph.D.
    Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher

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