Wednesday, October 23, 2024
9:00 am PT / 11:00 am CT / 6:00 pm CEST
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During this live Ask the Expert event, we will answer pre-submitted questions from our audience regarding brazing.
Brazing allows joining different materials to combine their specific advantages and features for applications in several industry fields, such as automotive production, aeronautics and plastic processing.
Although primarily known as a joining process, brazing has interesting applications as a coating process as well. Brazing can be used to create wear-resistant surfaces on specific locations of highly-stressed components.
The worldwide need to reduce the environmental impact and improve product performance is currently pushing the development of sophisticated brazing solutions with high productivity, energy efficiency, and excellent joint quality. As a consequence, the brazing market is growing and experiencing a boom in the use of cutting-edge brazing methods.
In this webinar, basic information and the most known technologies of brazing will be presented. Finally, two case studies from the energy industry will be discussed.
Eurofins Qualitech, with our extensive worldwide scientific network and highly qualified manufacturing experts, can assist you with a variety of tasks related to joints, including qualification, optimization, trouble shooting, and failure analysis on brazed joints. We help you to qualitatively manage and evaluate your challenging brazing projects. Finally, we can support you in optimizing your value-added chain over the entire life-cycle of your applications.
Do you want a deeper understanding of brazing?
During this 60-minute session our experts will answer pre-submitted questions from our audience. If time runs out and all questions have not been answered a follow up email will be sent out to all attendees with those answers.
Missed our event? Fill out the form below to view a recording of the presentation.