EAG's New Advanced EBSD System

Oxford Symmetry EBSD Detector

EAG Laboratories proudly announces the launch of our upgraded EBSD service with revolutionary high-speed, high-sensitivity CMOS detector. With this powerful tool we can give direct visualization of crystal microstructure over a wide scale range: down to several 10s of nanometers and up to several 10s of millimeters. Not only is local characterization available (accurate pin-down of scanning locations), statistical information can also be generated. Some typical information extracted from EBSD data includes grain size/shape, grain boundary misorientation, texture, slip planes, and phase identification.

Ceramic Chip Capacitor sample
Sample: Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitor

The CMOS technology base detector has the highest sensitivity and dynamic range on the market, which enables its ability to work with lower current input. Many beam sensitive samples and insulators can now benefit from the use of this new detector.

EBSD phase mapping

EBSD Phase Mapping

EBSD orientation mapping

EBSD Orientation Mapping

Automatic large-area scanning-and-stitching function is available with the new tool. We can now offer continuous scan over large areas of intreat without sacrificing the local details.

Integrated EDS and EBSD scans offer the ability to differentiate phases with same crystal structure but different chemistry. Spatial distribution of chemical elements with correlating EBSD result gives a complete view of the microstructure.

EBSD texture analysis
EBSD texture analysis of ceramic phase - IPF

Texture Analysis of the Ceramic Phase – IPF

EBSD grain size analysis

Grain Size Analysis

We now offer Transmission EBSD (TKD) analysis for refined microstructure. The technique calls for standard TEM preparation and gives EBSD data at exceptional spatial resolution. Forward scatter detectors are integrated on the front of the detector giving high contrast images with information of element number Z and topographical features.

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