Morphology and Chemical Analysis of Particles now available as part of our SEM services

Our focus on providing the most comprehensive testing techniques applies to both our state-of-the-art equipment as well as our data analysis systems. EAG is excited to extend and broaden their particle analysis services. Our new technique harnesses the dual measuring capability of particle size and shape along with particle chemistry. Literally thousands of particles per sample can be measured in this way.

Particle Size Distribution Graph measuring Features per ECD
Particle Size Distribution

Both loose particles and cross sectional phase analysis can be performed using a high sensitivity hardware and software solution for the Scanning Electron Microscope. Based on the classic “Gun Shot Residue” program, this particle analysis service using our industry leading SEM instruments. In a cost effective manner, we can analyze 1000+ 1μm – 20μm size particles by collecting images, acquiring quantitative particle size information, and determining elemental composition.

By combining these three complementary pieces of information, EAG can create a customized and searchable particle library for the customer.

Composition Range Feature Count in particle analysis services
Composition Range

Using this particle library, we can now target a specific particle sizes or particle chemistry for further analysis using FIB cross sections.  We can even target a specific particle for TEM studies.

Chemical Bar Chart with Backscattered Image of Germanium micro particles on filter
Chemical Bar Chart with Backscattered Image

Customers who need high throughput elemental particle analysis services include:

  • Automotive manufacturers needing microanalysis and particle characterization on the surface of engine filters.
  • Semiconductor developers with a need to identify an array of contaminants, plus the source of those trace elements.
  • Electronics industry researchers looking to take advantage of simultaneous systems SEM/EDS with a large area SDD detector that can take 250,000 counts per second.

Data output from the particle analysis can take a variety of forms allowing EAG to provide customized reports that are most relevant to our customers.  This ternary diagram is a good example of providing actionable reporting showing the three most abundant elements

Ternary Diagram of three most abundant elements with map of ~1700 detected particles

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