EAG Adds New Laser Ablation System to Worldwide Fleet

SYRACUSE, New York, Sept. 20, 2023 – Eurofins EAG Laboratories (EAG) announced the addition of a new laser ablation system to its worldwide fleet of >2,500 instruments this week.  The installation of the imageGEO193 laser ablation (LA) system manufactured by Elemental Scientific Lasers (ESL) to the Purity Survey laboratory in Syracuse will enable EAG to offer new services and faster turnaround time to their clients.  The imageGEO193 laser will initially be used with the Thermo Scientific iCAP TQ Triple Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-QQQ-MS).  Specific technologies and industries well-situated to benefit immediately from the new LA-ICP-MS equipment include semiconductors, lithium-ion batteries, photovoltaic solar, wearable and implantable medical devices, industrial coatings, thin films, supply chain integrity, mining, and archaeology.

High Resolution 100ppm Au Nanoparticle Droplet on Wafer: 1µm spot size

The imageGEO193 is a cutting-edge 193 nm Excimer laser ablation system engineered to excel in two specialized configurations: 

  • In analytical configuration the imageGEO193 can produce a stable signal intensity with <1.5 % relative standard deviation for high-precision elemental concentration measurement or isotope ratio analysis. 
  • In imaging-optimized configuration the imageGEO193 offers single peak resolution of 1 ms (FW 0.1M) for imaging at up to 1000 pixels per second. 

In addition to the included imaging-specific dual concentric injector (DCI) used to introduce ablated particles to the ICP-MS, EAG invested in the latest laser ablation chamber technology available from ESL, the TwoVol3 cell, with ultra-fast washout and nanograde stages for submicron resolution imaging.  The combination of the 500 Hz repetition rate-capable laser with the DCI and TwoVol3 ablation cell futureproofs the imageGEO193 system for compatibility with Time of Flight (TOF) mass spectrometry, which represents the next peak of laser ablation-based chemical imaging capability.

When it comes to understanding the physical structure, chemical properties and performance of advanced materials and integrated circuitry, no other scientific services company offers the breadth of experience, diversity of analytical techniques or technical ingenuity of EAG Laboratories. We deliver multi-disciplinary, problem-solving expertise to help our customers accelerate innovation, ensure quality and safety, and protect intellectual property.

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