Uniformity is Key in Epitaxial Growth

Compound semiconductors are used everywhere! We rely on them every day, from the simple things such as a computer mouse and laser printer, to advanced applications such as LIDAR (laser imaging, detection, and ranging) and autonomous driving. Regardless of the end product, planning and research in the early stages of product development can help to maximize performance and decrease the probability of failures in the future.

The structural and compositional uniformity during epitaxial growth of compound semiconductors is critical for developing reliable and efficient devices. Many different types of defects and non-uniformities can occur during growth which can hinder final device performance. Therefore, it is very important to assess epitaxy quality before device fabrication steps. EAG can help!

Utilizing AC-STEM (Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy) Services

AC-STEM analysis can provide a visual representation of non-uniformities in an active region. Roughness can easily be observed within interfaces. EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) maps can then be used to corroborate the roughness in relation to composition.

LED Computer Mouse
AC-STEM scientist

During epitaxial growth, an issue in a single layer can affect the entire structure of a device causing non-uniformities in thickness and composition. AC-STEM with EDS can be utilized to understand epitaxial variations that span from the nanoscale to the atomic scale during growth.

AC-STEM imaging is essential towards studying these types of fine sample features because bulk techniques lack the necessary spatial resolution. By combining this type of analysis with other Eurofins EAG services such as SIMS, it is possible to gain a clear understanding of the epitaxy structure and composition with atomic scale resolution and dopant level composition sensitivity.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you on your next project.

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