Surface Contamination on Compound Semiconductors

Compound semiconductors are everywhere. They’re used in a wide range of applications, helping to transform the world of electronics. These materials have unique electronic and optical properties that can be engineered at the atomic level through careful control of the constituent elements and structure. Contamination control and defect reduction are critical issues in the manufacturing process of compound semiconductor devices which can impact the performance of the end product.

Surface Analysis Techniques

At Eurofins EAG, we can provide valuable insights to identify contaminants and characterize materials throughout the product lifecycle. Our experts can help to analyze substrate materials such as GaAs for surface elemental impurities that can affect performance and epi growth. We can help assess cleaning process efficacy and detect residues pre- and post- cleaning. We can help identify defects on devices and characterize hazes on optics. These are just a few of the applications we can do using our set of specialized surface analytical tools such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS), Raman Spectroscopy, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and more.

contamination control on compound semiconductor

How can we help?

SEM Scientist

A customer observed a small particle on a device. We decided to perform SEM/EDS analysis as a ‘first-look’ of the unknown contaminant. There was not enough information to determine the root cause of the problem. With the particle being organic, we decided to go beyond the elemental composition information that EDS can provide. The sample was subsequently analyzed by Raman which is better able to identify specific organic and inorganic compounds. This analysis was able to determine the exact material. In turn, the manufacturer was able to locate and eliminate the source of the contamination.

At Eurofins EAG, we have specialized tools and methods to help investigate contamination issues. Our scientific experts have decades of experience working with a wide variety of materials to help solve your problems.

Contact us today to learn how we can help.

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