GaAs-Based Transistors Pave the Way for Communication Efficiencies

Technological developments have been tremendous over the past few generations.  We’ve transitioned from a manual switchboard to connect calls on the telephone, to cell phones with facial/gesture recognition software, to traveling between countries and your cell phone magically working – even though your cell phone provider does not have a presence there. Ever evolving and changing, technology continues to propel humanity into dimensions once only dreamed of. How is all this possible? What materials go into the technological advances we enjoy today? How do they function? These questions can partly be answered by III-V 

What are III-V Materials

The III-V materials are formed from the elements in groups IIIA and VA of the periodic table. The group IIIA elements Indium (In), Aluminum (Al) and Gallium (Ga) combined with group VA elements Arsenic (As), Phosphorous (P), Nitrogen (N), Antimony (Sb), and Bismuth (Bi) are the ones used for compound semiconductor.

III-V Materials

materials. The combination of these elements is used to make things like lasers, sensors, and light sources used in smart phones, cars, computers, high-speed communications, etc.

With the rapid expansion of wireless communications, GaAs-based transistors emerged as the device to make this new technology available for worldwide use. The most important application of these transistors is called (Pseudomorphic High-Electron-Mobility-Transistor) pHEMT, which is the base material for smartphone antennas. These materials allow fast communications with low power consumption. As wireless communications moved to buildings for local-area-network connection to the internet, the use of these devices expanded and became essential.

EAG's Expertise in Analyzing III-V Materials

EAG scientists are experts at analyzing these materials during different phases of a product life cycle. Specific analytical protocols have been developed to support R&D projects and address FA troubleshooting requirements.  Figure 1 shows the intricate analyses developed for extremely thin layers which are critical for pHEMT device to work effectively.  These methods are frequently used for product quality control also, as the data provided help identify problems before they occur while in use in the field. See the application note ‘Optimizing 2-D Electron Density in pHEMTs Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry‘ and the ‘Analysis of GaAs pHEMT and GaN HEMT Webinar’ for more detailed information.

EAG continues to be a leader in SIMS analysis and has a team of experts ready to partner with you to produce data driven results. If you’re in the process of working on III-V material-based applications EAG is the partner to help you achieve the answers you seek, with the help of 40+ analytical techniques and 1000+ methods. Please contact us today to learn more about how EAG can partner with you.

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