Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

We leverage the power of science and engineering to accelerate innovation through creative problem-solving, objective analysis and expert interpretation of data.

Our Vision

To be the most trusted global partner in testing and materials analysis.

Our Values

EAG values continue to excel and contribute to our collective success.

Foster a Growth Mindset

When our customers grow, we grow. We always strive to learn something new.

Find a Better Way

We face new and unique challenges every day and find new and creative ways to solve them.

Win More Loyal Customers

Customers call us with problems. We work to understand the problem, develop solutions, and deliver the results in a timely and scientifically sound manner.

ATE testing

Win Together

We are a global network of laboratories.

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TXRF Webinar

In this webinar we introduce Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF) which is a non-destructive elemental survey technique.

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